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Photographed by László Dudás

Private Hungary 6

Through the works of D-Film and Photographed by László Dudás may we follow the life of filmmaker László Dudás, from the late ’20s for almost a 50-year long period.

The film diary is a special genre, since it makes the personal time visible, and so bridges the ages of youth and elderly as a novel. László Dudás could not become a professional film director, but he was so passionate towards the industry, that as an architect, he became a set-designer of the Film Factory. Many films and buildings preserve his efforts, while he worked on his own movies too, for the sake of coming ge nerations. The second part of the life history film of László Dudás, who shot films from 1928. From the man y intriguing Dudás silent films emerges the Deadly Spring, which is much earlier than the well-known sound film of the novel by Zilahy, featuring Karády and Jávor. This is followed by the vision of Italy in the 30s, and later we may see the secret recordings of the 1956 revolution in the home movie of Dudás. The Dudás films are joined together by Tibor Szemző’s music composition.


1992 - 45 minutes - 1992

Director Péter Forgács
Composer Tibor Szemző
Editor Márta Révész
Music Takarmánybázis
Dramaturg Gábor Ferenci
Sound Engineer Katalin Gulyás
Expert János Tóth
Music recording László Hortobágyi, Mirage Studio
Assistant Zsuzsa Ujj
MTV Zrt. line producer András Tóth
Music editor László Herceg
Video engineer György Bajnok, Iván Bujdosó, Ferenc Szigethy
BBS line producers Ferenc Komjáti, László Rusznyák

produced by
The Soros Foundation and the Mûvelôdéskutató Intézet Private Film Archive

Péter Forgács
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